Each time I look at you, I’m limp like a glove and feeling like someone in love. —Bjork.
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Google — 2017

Creative Director: Vicki Spellman
Photo: Ned Robertson, John Grasso
Copy:  Mohammad Awadalla, Brandon Eberhart &
3D Model: Lance Thompson, Ruby Rieke
Art Director: Ben King
Design: Victor Tolosa, Julie Nguyen, Michelle Fang, Andrew Lee
Creative Lead: Kelvin Lee, Top Tulyathorn, Lee Xu

Embedded at their Mountain View office, I worked as art director on a team of Googlers and cross-agency designers, copywriters, 3D artists, strategists, and photographers working towards the global launch of Google’s 2nd-generation hardware devices (Pixel 2, Home, Chromecast et al).

We were challenged with intaking product photography of the upcoming hardware from the Photo team and creating a suite of assets for use in global adverts and campaigns.
We would consider the product arrangement (the Pixel 2 hero comp was internally referred to as “Tetris”), ensure certain hardware features would not be omitted, light direction was uniform and finally working with copywriters to establish guidelines between the Google brand and its messaging. Our 3D artists would provide us with renders to help us visualize how these comps would later populate on retail furniture in-stores such as Verizon and Best Buy.

These designs would later be templatized, localized, and distributed amongst partners for use in global marketing campaigns, OOH advertising, and retail fixtures.

Thank you to my immediate team, Andrew, Victor and Brandon for trusting me and bringing our team together. 

This is the bottom, only up to go︎.

Works & poems of Benjamin King ︎.