Each time I look at you, I’m limp like a glove and feeling like someone in love. —Bjork.
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Instagram Los Angeles Lounge

Team: Meta Facilities and Brand
Art Direction: Ben King
Art Direction: Jeanne Modderman
Art Direction: Pamela Chen
Studios: Adi Goodrich

We hired Adi to help us scope the redesign of our Instagram lounge in LA. The concept was to make a bold/expressive lounge where visitors would find inspiration, areas of rest and take partners to discuss a new product release. 
We used a portion of the funds to purchase artwork from local artists and publishers and curated a library on the custom bookshelf. Drapery conceals the wall-mounted screen and a custom light box displays Polaroid self portraits. Adi also designed a hand painted mural to add color to an unused hallway. All furniture was sourced from high end designers from around the globe.

A Perpetual Sunset —

Team: Meta Facilities and Brand
Art Direction: Ben King
Art Direction: Jeanne Modderman
Art Direction: Pamela Chen
Studios: Adi Goodrich

Building the installation around the existing architecture of the stairway, we created a private photo activation pointing away from employees eating lunch. A series of cascading arches inspired by the Griffith Park Observatory is flanked by purple hued palm fronds, leading to a never-ending Los Angeles sunset.

This is the bottom, only up to go︎.
Works & poems of Benjamin King ︎.