Each time I look at you, I’m limp like a glove and feeling like someone in love. —Bjork.
Me   I   Moon   I   Shop   I   Overview   I   Inspo   I   Hello
Instagram New York HQ —

Team: Meta Workplace  
Art Director: Ben King
Creative Lead: Kitty Broomhead
Architect: Frank Gehry
Agency: Collins
Studio: Mt. Vernon
Photography: Collin Hughes
My partner, Kitty Bromhead, and I worked with Meta Facilities and Frank Gehry on the design of the floor Instagram NY floor. Our goal was to implement branded installations and updated our look/feel package. Since this office is partner facing and we were very specific about our furniture selects and material finishes. 

Every inch, door, hardware, room and chair was personally selected by us. We fought, we persuaded and humbly compromised to make this office great. 
I worked closely with the Collin’s agency to build out the Digital Welcome Wall. Similar to our design in MPK, we wanted this wall to have a strong introduction into the office floor as well as have the ability to showcase content from our platform. We worked with the Eng team to develop a custom CMS so we could update content on the walls for immediate partner drop-ins. If the head of Gucci wanted to pop by the office, we could in minutes update all the screens to reflect there most recent Instagram posts. 

This floor was orginally an old department store and later on a fashion house. We kept the gorgeous arched windows to let the sky into the floor. 

This is the bottom, only up to go︎.
Works & poems of Benjamin King ︎.